Are you fed up of moss falling onto your patios? Due to our climate in the UK, moss grows quickly and on many surfaces on the outside of our houses. House roofs in particular are affected badly by moss growth. Unfortunately, with things like heavy rain, birds pecking it and just gravity, moss will fall from your roof. This will then mean that the moss can start to grow on your patios and spread. However, this can be avoided by sweeping the moss up and removing. This involves constant maintenance which can be a right pain! So how do I stop moss falling on my patio?


Roof cleaning should be carried out by exterior cleaning professionals. There are two ways to clean a roof: pressure washing or scraping. If a roof is pressure washed, care must be taken not to pressure wash in a direction that allows water to get into the roof space. Also, pressure should be very low, around 50bar or pressure should be a maximum. Once the roof is cleaned a biocide should be applied.
If a scrape is opted for this is a much safer way of cleaning a roof, but time consuming. Also, it is a very physically demanding job. Profiled scrapers which have been developed for roof cleaners should be used to ensure the best clean. This also means that moss roofs can be cleaned from a tower scaffold rather than getting onto the roof.
How to clean your patio
Many homeowners will have asked what is the best moss killer for patios and how to permanently remove moss from concrete. Regular maintenance is key. Ideally a home owner be preventing moss growth on paver patio by treating the problem at the source, as mentioned above. A moss prevention spray or patio moss killer can be applied every 3 months to stop new moss growth forming. Different brands are available for the clean and biocides work well to kill moss. Will bleach kill moss? Yes it will, but you need to make sure the moss is completely saturated. If you have asked how to remove moss from brick patio, or block paving a pressure wash followed by a biocide application is the best practice.