K Rend cleaning in Caerwent

K Rend cleaning in Caerwent

Looking for K Rend Cleaning in Caerwent? If you are looking for render cleaning in Caerwent then get in touch today. We have cleaned 1,000s of rendered properties in the last few years. How do we do it? With low pressure.  We chemically treat the K Rend to kill the...
Does your house look like it’s bleeding?

Does your house look like it’s bleeding?

It may sound like something out of a horror film, but there are thousands of houses across the UK that look like they are bleeding. You will often find that one or two elevations of these houses have long red streaks running down the render. Render cleaning products...

Render cleaning in Dursley

Are you looking for render cleaning in Dursley? Durlsey rendered buildings look great when new, especially through coloured render. This type of coloured render is often sold as maintenance free. However the reality is within a few years algae often appears on the...
Can you jet wash K Rend?

Can you jet wash K Rend?

K Rend is a very popular product amongst new build developments. Although it looks great when it is new, within a few years algae will start to grow on the surfaces. The algae growth will leave the render with green marks, black mould and sometimes red streaks. You...