Are you looking for Render cleaning in Barry?
K Rend and other rendered surfaces are very popular in Barry and South Wales. Especially new housing estates. Other types of render that are popular are Weber, Sto, Monocouhce and Parex. When new K Rend looks great when new …. unfortunately, this doesn’t always last!
If you are looking for K Rend cleaning in Barry or the surrounding areas then please keep reading, or get in touch for more information. We also carry out render cleaning in Penarth, render cleaning in Sully and Render cleaning in The Vale of Glamorgan.
Does your render now look tired and grubby?
If render is left untreated it can cause irreversible damage to the render. Manufactures such as K Rend and Weber suggest an annual biocide application. As this is rarely carried out sometimes it is necessary to carry out a through clean of your render. After the thorough clean an annual application of a professional grade biocide can be applied to keep your render looking clean all year around.
How does it get so dirty?
Algae growth will often start with a faint green look to your property, often starting near floor areas.
This will develop into a dull look to your property as black algae, mold and mildew grows on the rendered surfaces.
Wind-bourne algae is red and can look very unsightly. It will look like the property is bleeding. This is because it is shown as red streaks on the K Rend walls. Red algae is often mistaken for rust marks. However, this is rarely the case.
Five years after the initial clean we were asked to return to a site in Barry to re-clean the property. The cost of render cleaning is a fraction of the price of a paint job. Our valued customer decided to clean the render again to ensure the house stayed looking great. As an extra this time we also cleaned all hard floor areas and low walls. Not only does the property look great and clean. It is also now safe to ward around due the cleaning of the slippery floor surfaces.
Render Cleaning
Biocide Treatment
Driveway Cleaning
- Patio Cleaning
- Low Wall Cleaning
- Low pressure cleaning of all Render

Would you like a quote for K Rend Cleaning in Barry?
Get in touch by contacting us on the contact form, send us an email or give us a call. We will arrange for a full written quotation to be emailed to you outlining all items we identify have a need to be cleaned and treated. Also, we can provide local examples of our work for K Rend Cleaning in Barry. So when you are looking for render cleaning please get in touch and we will transform your property to the bright, fresh property it once was.