Are you looking for Render Cleaning in Portishead?
We clean render in Portishead regularly. Due to the newly developed sites in Portishead, there is a lot of through coloured render in the area. If you have a rendered house you will need to have it cleaned to keep it looking bright and fresh. So when you are looking for render cleaning in Portishead then look no further!

We are often asked to carry out render cleaning in Portishead and render cleaning in Portishead marina. Through coloured render often discolours within around 7 years, although this can happen earlier in some areas. The discolouration often looks like red lines on render or red streaks on render. Render such as K Rend will often have black marks on render, or green stains on render.
The house shown above was affected on one side of the building by red stains on render. Some may questions whether this is rust runs on render caused by iron in the render mixture. However, this is not the case. The red or orange stains on render is a results of algae growing on K Rend. The red algae is a wind-borne algae that often affected on side of a property, and is most common in costal areas.
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Render Cleaning in Portishead and Stone Cleaning cleaning in Portishead
When cleaning the render on this property we also chemically cleaned the stone capping and carried out stone cleaning in Portishead by steam cleaning stone.
The owner of the property was thrilled to see the difference after the clean. Within just one day we were able to clean the render around the whole property, including low walls in many areas and stone cleaning in Bristol.
When you notice your render going green, black, or red, get in touch with us at Leeksons Exterior Cleaning ( to arrange your free quotation. We are fully insured and are easily one of the most experienced render cleaning companies in the UK. We have been cleaning render for over 15 years and have honed our skills to achieve an excellent result every time. Get in touch today for your free quote!
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